ALL SCHOOLS CLOSED: January 7, 2025
Mariemont City Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, due to the ongoing impacts of the winter storm on roads and sidewalks. All schools will reopen on Wednesday, January 8, unless otherwise communicated. 
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Request a Building Tour

Request a Building Tour
Please complete this form to request a building tour at any Mariemont City Schools school building.

Important Information about tours:
  • Tour requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the requested tour date in order to be scheduled.
  • Written confirmation with your tour date/time and additional details/information will be emailed to you once your request has been processed.
  • Anyone over the age of 18 participating in the tour will be required to provide a state-issued photo identification/driver’s license; the identification will be screened using a Raptor Visitor Management System 

Which school(s) are you interested in touring?
Why would you like to tour our schools?
If you selected "other" as your reason for scheduling a tour, please explain:
Do you have a specific date you would like a tour?
If yes, please list your desired date and time:
Your Name:
Names of others who will participate in the tour:
Names of child(ren) (if applicable):
What grade level will your child(ren) be entering? (if applicable)
Date of possible enrollment? (if applicable)
Current Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Are there any specific student needs you would like to learn more about during your tour?
If yes, please explain:
What academic interests does your child(ren) have?
What extracurricular interests does your child(ren) have?
captcha image

To validate your submission, please type the answer to the question.