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The heart of 21st Century learning at Mariemont City Schools is the library program. Whether through the welcoming physical space of the library, the wide variety of books, the convenient 24/7 access to digital resources, or the rigorous information literacy curriculum taught through research projects in courses at each grade level, the library program enriches all district students.

Each open and spacious library is a learning space where students, staff and the community gather for a variety of reasons: information and technology literacy instruction, group collaboration, individual study, support from library staff and lab teachers, reading and research, class seminars, distance learning, and group meetings. Not just a warehouse for books, the library is a place for creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication. 

The library extends beyond the physical walls by providing anytime access to digital books, magazines, journals, newspapers and more. Library staff provide support to students virtually both during school and outside of the school day. Students and parents can access learning tools such as video tutorials and lessons online at their convenience.

The library curriculum begins in elementary school and is the foundation on which new skills will be built throughout their education. By 12th grade, district students have the information and technology literacy skills they will need to succeed in college and beyond.

Mariemont City Schools’ library program is committed to creating the learning opportunities and environment that make life-long readers and savvy information consumers. We build the skill sets and thinking habits needed by the scholars of today to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Database Access

Students on computers Mariemont City School District libraries provide access to books, journals, magazines, newspapers and much more in convenient, searchable digital format through databases. Links to and passwords for the databases are found on each library's Blackboard page. You can also access databases funded through INFOHIO and The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.