Q: What led to the Board of Education considering a change to the district’s logo?
A: The Board of Education has been discussing this topic for many years. Whether in conversations about equity and inclusion in our school district or global and cultural perspectives, the topic of the “Warrior Head” logo often came up.
While the intention may have been to honor Native Americans with the logo, research is clear that, from collective Native American viewpoints, using Native American imagery is not honoring them. In fact, most organizations representing the Native American people have asked for years that teams and schools stop using Native American imagery as mascots/logos.
With heightened awareness and education around these issues and the conversations had over the years on the topic, the Board of Education decided that now was the appropriate time to consider a change.
Q: Why did the Board of Education vote to eliminate the use of the Native American “Warrior Head” logo?
A: The Mariemont City Schools Board of Education both collectively and individually reviewed research on the appropriateness of using Native American imagery as a district and athletic logo and reviewed feedback and input from the community. After thoughtful consideration, Board members voted unanimously to remove the “Warrior Head” logo, a decision that reflects a desire to respect and honor the perspective of indigenous people.
Q: Are the schools also getting rid of the Warriors nickname and colors?
A: No. Mariemont City Schools will keep its Warriors name and traditional colors of blue and gold.
Q: Is there a timeline for removal of the Warrior Head logo throughout the district?
A: This timeline is currently being developed and considered. Eliminating the use of the current logo will take time. The logo on some items will likely be removed immediately while a phased approach is likely for other items.
Q: Will students still be able to wear spirit wear that includes the current Warrior Head imagery?
A: Yes. Students may continue wearing spirit wear they currently own; however, production of new spirit wear that includes the “Warrior Head” logo will cease.
Q: When will a new logo be created?
A: This timeline and process is currently being developed and considered. Once a plan is in place, there will be opportunities for parents, students, staff and community members to provide feedback. The latest information about the district logo will always be available at