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Article: Wednesday, 2/5/2025 Announcements

Wednesday, 2/5/2025 Announcements

Do you like a little friendly competition? Do you like to play chess? Sign up for chess club during lunch! Chess club will meet during both 7th and 8th grade lunch bells, and depending on how many people sign up, we will have a tournament-style competition on Mondays and Wednesdays in the Media Center. See Mrs. Skinner to sign up!

Attention Power of the Pen
We will practice tomorrow after school in Mrs. Jordan's room. If you have not paid for your sweatshirt, please see Mrs. Jordan.

Project LIT
We will meet on Friday during lunch in Mrs. Jordan's room!

Don’t miss out. Buy a yearbook now for the opportunity to relive the school year later with your student. To purchase, go to Once you are on the site enter our school name to purchase a yearbook with a credit card, debit card or PayPal.

Wednesday, 2/12/25: Night of Singing (Grades 6-12)
Friday, 2/14/25: Mariemont Academy Day; No school for students
Monday, 2/17/25: President's Day; No school for students or staff
Wednesday, 2/19/25: Washington DC Parent Meeting

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