Spring Musical
There will be an Audition Workshop tomorrow, November 9th (10:30 -12:00) during which the Spring Musical will be revealed and audition materials will be discussed. Auditions will follow on Wednesday, November 20th (3:30 6:30).
Builders Club
We're getting closer to December, which means that Luminaria is almost here! Builders Club will once again help build the Luminaria kits. If you are interested in joining Builders Club to help build kits, we will be doing so on Wednesday, November 13, from 3-5 pm. We will go directly from school to our location, you will need a ride to pick you up from there. By the way, there will be snacks! If you are interested in going or looking for more details, please see Mr. Thomas.
Don’t miss out. Buy a yearbook now for the opportunity to relive the school year later with your student. To purchase, go to yearbookforever.com. Once you are on the site enter our school name to purchase a yearbook with a credit card, debit card or PayPal.
Monday, 11/11: Veterans Day Wednesday, 11/13: MJHS Conference Night
Friday, 11/15: MJHS Winter Sports Pictures
Wednesday, 11/27: Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, 11/28: Thanksgiving Break
Friday, 11/29: Thanksgiving Break