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Article: Thursday, 12/12/2024 Announcements

Thursday, 12/12/2024 Announcements

Math Club

Math Club meets today after school. Plan to meet with Mr. Willis in room 109 from 3 to 4. We will be decking the halls with octagon stars and other décor.  Additionally, the third round of the continental math league test will take place on Thursday during 7th and 8th grade lunches. If you wish to take part, grab your lunch and come to room 109 for the opportunity to establish yourself as one of the school’s top mathematicians.

Student Voices
Today (Thursday) Student Voices will be having a lunch meeting. 8th Graders meet with Mr. Ballard in Room 103 and 7th Graders meet with Mrs. Hunt in her room. They look forward to seeing you there.

Power of the Pen
Attention Power of the Pen: Don't forget we have Power of the Pen practice today after school (Thursday) - see Mrs. Jordan if you cannot attend.  

Scholastic Art Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have artwork nominated for a Scholastic Art Awards. Honorable mention, silver and gold key winners will be announced in mid-January. Good luck to these Mariemont Junior High artists: Ioana Noonan, Meryck Bogle, Michael Lepa, Bryce Brownknight, Joey Sberna, Demaree Vianello, Connor Sullivan, George Barber, Finn Rominger, Lilly Kirtland, Sawyer Stickney, Max Adam, Peyton Barclay, Evan Urschell, Noah Mauer, Owen Sleeper, Nathan Lester, Ben Callihan, Annabelle Egan, Auggie Scribner, Nate Wren, and Audrey Satterwhite.

Don’t miss out. Buy a yearbook now for the opportunity to relive the school year later with your student. To purchase, go to Once you are on the site enter our school name to purchase a yearbook with a credit card, debit card or PayPal.

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