A trio of Mariemont High School students recently earned a prestigious title after being named to the Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra (CSYO). Senior Anastasia Szymkowiak and juniors Dianna Hester and Nora O’Donnell all received the honor after an extensive audition process.
The CSYO consists of two full orchestras made up of 200 of the region’s most talented young musicians. It accepts students in grades 8-12 who successfully pass a competitive audition and are members of their school’s band or orchestra program. At the center of the youth orchestra’s mission is reinforcing excellence in students, challenging them to expand their own boundaries and promoting mastery of 21st century skills through the highest level of performance and collaboration.
The three MHS students began ensemble rehearsals this past week and will practice with the group weekly with performances throughout the year. They also will receive access to musicians of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra as coaches and mentors.