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Article: Six MCSD Students Named to Honors Band

Six MCSD Students Named to Honors Band

honors band students and teacher

Six Mariemont City Schools students were recently selected to perform with the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) District 14 Honor Bands. Junior high students Julianne Haskamp, Sofia Karacostas, Ethan Mart and Enoch Zheng, as well as high school students August Hagen and Jonathan Niese, were each selected after a rigorous audition process involving over 600 students from school band programs in Hamilton and Clermont Counties.
Each student committed to over 12 hours of rehearsal that culminated in a performance at Princeton High School on Sunday, January 8. They performed under the direction of conductors and music educators of local and national accreditation.
Congratulations to Julianne, Sofia, Ethan, Enoch, August and Jonathan for their commitment to music at a high level and for representing Mariemont City Schools on the biggest stage!

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